"We decided to add a few of Lance Shapiro's judgment recovery strategies to the way we do business. Much to our amazement the results were considerably better than we  expected. Our cash flow increased 13% in just the first 2 months." 

John Finkle, Gulf Region Judgment Recovery Service. 
Yes Lance! I'm ready to place an order for How To Make A Fortune Processing Judicial Money Judgments 2.0, so I can build and grow my own lucrative, home-based judgment recovery business.  

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I understand that the hard copy training system and CD's will be mailed to me via Priority Mail within 24 hours of my order being placed.  
I understand that I will also receive the following 10 enhancements (Free Bonuses) to my training system: 

Lifetime membership in my judgment recovery forum: Here, you will access to network with other judgment recovery professionals, exchange ideas and get assistance. 
The Datamerge Recovery Tool Kit, an e-book loaded with links to online resources for on conducting skip-trace and asset-discovery investigations. This is a $29.97 value yours free. 
A judgment recovery interest calculator with the interest rates for all 50 states integrated into the software.  
The Desktop Attorney: A portfolio of legal documents for both personal and business use. This is a $57.00 value yours free.  
Investigators Guide to Sources of Information prepared by OSI (Office of Special Investigations).  
How To Enforce Foreign Judgments: A short e-book in PDF format with excellent information about enforcing foreign judgments. This is a $19.97 dollar value yours free. 
The Emanuel® Law Outline on Civil Procedure is an excellent study guide for learning about the process of civil law. This 120 page e-book in PDF format 
The Investigator's Guide: An e-book loaded with information on conducting skip-trace and asset-discovery investigations. This is a $29.97 dollar value yours free. 
State specific court forms and documents for the entire nation all in PDF format. 
FCRA Booklet, a 50 plus page book containing the complete text of the new FCRA Act. This is a $19.97 dollar value yours free. 

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