Judgment Recovery Training Course Comparison Chart

The course information you will receive in my program comes from my actual day to day activities collecting judgments.

You will receive my 20 plus years of experience processing judgments, plus the experience of my staff.

The material is organized in a straight forward easy to understand format.

Information offered by other companies is not based on their actual experience of collecting judgments, but merely the sale of information they have obtained from second hand sources.
My program provides you with all the forms and documents you need to have your business up and running in no time.

The forms are included both in the course and on CD.

Other programs do not offer software or documents of any kind and the course material itself is incomplete, leaving you wondering what to do next
I provide you with the proven marketing system I use that will make judgment creditors bang your doors down to let you collect their judgments.

It is less time consuming than going to the courthouse and will provide you with more detailed information.

Other programs only advise you to visit the local courthouse to look for judgments. This is just one of the ways to locate judgments. 
I offer free software to assist you in your business (Social Security Decoding Software, FirstPursuit, and The Desktop Attorney). Other companies make their money by selling information. They offer nothing to you without you paying for it.
I offer a 2 year money-back guarantee on the materials you receive. Other companies off no guarantee whatsoever. All sales are final.