Here's Proof You Can, In Fact, Make Money With My
Work At Home Judgment Recovery Training Course!

Proof my judgment recovery training system produces results.

From The Desk Of Lance Shapiro:

Dear friend,

You know... I could go on and on about the virtues of my work at home judgment recovery course, until I'm 'blue' in the face. Every author thinks his materials are the 'finest' you'll find anywhere...

I could also fill my website with glowing accolades from my satisfied customers about the efficacy of How To Make A Fortune Processing Judicial Money Judgments 2.0.

However, ultimately the 'burden of proof is in the evidence.' With that said, take a look at the following documents.

This particular execution attached a bank account for $21,384.70. It was accomplished using the identical techniques you will find in How To Make A Fortune Processing Judicial Judgments 2.0.

First we have the Return Of Service from a Writ Of Execution. It shows
The Return Of Service From A Writ Of Execution

Next up, here's the receipt from the marshal, further verifying the amount of money that was garnished from the debtor's bank account

The total amount of this judgment was satisfied with one bank levy alone. Your results may vary, however this example does provide tangible evidence that my judgment recovery methods do produce results!

The Receipt From The Writ Of Execution

Last but not least here is a picture of the actual check we received from the bank levy as payment in full.

Imagine receiving 1 or 2 checks like this made payable to your company every month! With my training system, it is possible.

"How To Make A Fortune Processing Judicial Money Judgments 2.0"
will show you step by step exactly how to do this and much more.

Your results may vary, however this is proof positive that my judgment recovery methods are highly effective.