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About How To Make A Fortune Processing Judicial Money Judgments 2.0 and Lance Shapiro Esq.



Here's what Rich Havlin had to say about How To Make A Fortune Processing Judicial Judgments 2.0 and Lance Shapiro.

Dear Lance,

I've got to say this. I was pretty skeptical about your training system in the beginning.

I bought other judgment recovery training courses in the past and sadly enough they weren't worth the paper they were printed on.

Honestly, I was expecting the same to be true with yours, but what the heck. Your two year guarantee made me think twice.

Basically a guarantee like that flat out says that you and your people have confidence in your program. I'm glad I gave it a second look.

Your program provided me with all the nuts & bolts I needed to really make a go at this business.

Thus far, using your program, I have successfully collected 17 judgments, and I have another 20 or so judgments in my pipeline.

Lance, I owe you and the Legal Revenue Service team a huge debt of gratitude
Rich Havlin
Fort Wayne, IN