The Top 18 Frequently Asked Questions About Lance Shapiro Esq., How To Make A Fortune Processing Judicial Judgments 2.0. and The Home Based Judgment Recovery Industry.

Melissa: What's the number one way for someone to increase their likelihood of success in the judgment recovery business.

One of the most important aspects of being a success in this business is by again choosing the right judgments to collect. I've had judgments that I have collected in under a month.
Some I have collected in just a few days because the judgment debtor paid in full rather than having a garnishment on his wages.

On the other hand, I have seen judgments come across my desk that didn't stand a chance at ever being recovered.

To make your life easier, I have included the identical criteria that any judgment must meet or exceed for my company to take on the assignment.

This information is literally worth its weight in gold if you plan to build and grow a home based judgment recovery business.