The Top 18 Frequently Asked Questions About Lance Shapiro Esq., How To Make A Fortune Processing Judicial Judgments 2.0. and The Home Based Judgment Recovery Industry.

I notice that some of the other companies selling judgment recovery courses are not including any kind of guarantee. If I understand this correctly they're offering a membership program.

Is that correct, and Lance do you offer a guarantee with your program or are you using the membership model also?

Do I offer a guarantee!? Of course I do! Why wouldn't I? In fact, I offer a generous 2 year, unconditional, money-back guarantee, the strongest warranty of anyone offering a judgment recovery training program online or offline.

The way I see it there's risk inherent with any business venture. Therefore I at least want to make sure the training is risk free.

In my opinion, the so-called membership business model is simply a  deceptive way of saying, "I hope you like my program, but if it's not what you expected it to be... oh well. Sorry you can't get your money back."

Anyone who says otherwise... Well what's the old saying "There's a sucker born every minute.

On the other hand my business model is simple and most importantly it's honest.

Why? For 2 important Reasons.
First and foremost, Legal Revenue Service is in no way shape or form a marketing company.

My staff and I make the vast bulk of our money by collecting judgments, not by selling training courses! (Click here to see proof.) Refunds in no way affect our bottom line.
Second, unlike other companies who apparently do not have full confidence in the programs that they sell, I have 100% confidence in my training system. That's because it consistently produces tangible results. Results you can take to the bank.

The refund rate for How To Make A Fortune Processing Judicial Judgments 2.0 is virtually non-existent. This alone speaks volumes for the merit of my training system.