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About How To Make A Fortune Processing Judicial Money Judgments 2.0 and Lance Shapiro Esq.



Here's what Sandra Ball had to say about How To Make A Fortune Processing Judicial Judgments 2.0 and Lance Shapiro.

In my opinion judgment recovery always sounded like a good business to go into, but I was afraid of the legal aspects of everything

That's because I'm dyslexic. Been that way all my life and I was worried about being able to understand the training course. That pretty much kept me from getting started.

But then I read where the course is also on audio that was all I needed to hear. I got a copy right away.

Now I can learn about judgment recovery listening to the CD's on my computer. In my car and before I go to sleep at night. This is huge.

Not only that but Jill is one of the coaches there and she has been a big help when things come up that I'm not sure about.

I'm learning a lot and I know I will be a successful with my new business.

Sandra Ball
Fallbrook, CA